How To Fix A Small Drywall Crack

If you’ve got a small crack in your drywall, it may seem like a disaster. But as long as the crack is less than an inch wide (and especially if it’s less than 1/2 inch), you can repair it yourself. Here’s how:

Step 1

  • Prepare the area: Remove all loose drywall, clean it and then apply joint tape to the back of your patch.
  • Apply joint compound: Use a putty knife or taping knife to apply a layer of drywall compound over both sides of the crack. Let this dry completely before sanding it smooth.

Step 2

The next step is to use an awl or screwdriver to make a small hole in the drywall. This will allow you to apply the drywall compound into the crack and around the anchor. A putty knife can then be used to remove any excess compound from around your repair area, giving it a clean look when finished.

Next, use an electric drill with a 3/16″ drill bit attached (or smaller) and press it against one side of your old drywall anchor until it breaks free from its holding power in your wall surface’s masonry layer (usually concrete).

Step 3

  • Apply a small amount of joint compound to the crack.
  • Let it dry completely, then sand it smooth with a fine-grit sandpaper. Repeat for additional cracks if necessary.

Step 4

Step 4: Sand the area with a drywall sander. This will smooth out any rough edges and help to ensure that the patch … READ MORE >>>