Smart Tips For Improving The Interior And Exterior Of Your Home

Smart Tips For Improving The Interior And Exterior Of Your Home

When it comes to improving your home and maintaining or increasing its value, many experts will tell you that it all starts with curb appeal. So in this article, I’ve provided a few smart tips for beautifying your yard or landscaping, and then finished with some tips for installing wood flooring, using renovation materials wisely, and eliminating microwave odor.

Create a low maintenance rock garden to add beauty to your landscape. If you’d rather not spend considerable time trying to weed, water, and maintain a flower garden, but you’d still like to have a nice-looking and welcoming yard, choose various hardscape features like rocks, a foot path, a bench, and a little fence. These require some effort to arrange, but afterward, you’re set for years.

Don’t forget about functional elements when landscaping. After all of your hard work with landscaping, the very last thing you want is for current functional elements to take away from the stunning results. So, replace items like an old rusted mailbox, or sand and paint your peeling window boxes to give the entire property a finished and polished appearance.

Compost your organic waste. If your town doesn’t already offer compost waste collection, add your own compost to your yard. You’ll not only dramatically reduce the quantity of garbage that you send to the garbage dump every week, but you’ll also save money on fertilizers for your garden. Moreover, your fertilizers will be organic.

Leave an expansion gap when installing wood flooring. Your start and end … READ MORE >>>