Basement Exhaust Fan Installation

If your basement is finished, you’ll want to make sure it’s comfortable year-round. That means finding ways to keep it from becoming too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. The best way to do that is by installing a whole-house exhaust fan.

Why an Exhaust Fan?

If you have a basement, it’s likely that you have an exhaust fan. The purpose of this appliance is to remove humidity and odors from your home. If the air in your basement is too damp or smells unpleasant, then it’s time to install an exhaust fan!

An exhaust system works by sucking out stale air through one opening (say, a window) and replacing it with fresh air from another opening (such as under your house). It helps keep moisture levels low in your home so mold doesn’t grow on walls or floors — and keeps dust levels low as well!

Where Should the Exhaust Fan Be Placed?

The exhaust fan should be placed in the corner of your basement, away from the furnace, water heater and furnace ducts. The exhaust fan should also not be placed near any other appliances that produce heat (such as a fireplace).

How to Install a Basement Exhaust Fan

To install a basement exhaust fan, you need to:

  • Remove the old exhaust fan. This can be done by unscrewing it from its fixture and pulling it down. Make sure you have the right size of basement exhaust fan for your space; if not, measure